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10 August 2007

Angelina something or other

I have it on good authority ~ Well Arthur told Patrick who mentioed it to Diane who didn't believe it but passed it onto me anyway that there was a conversation in the pub opposite the Chateau at Montbrun the other night or was it 2 weeks ago that the owner is thinking of selling up.

Having retored the castle to its former glory he's moving on & the Chateau is for sale.

I'm told by Diane who heard it from Brian, her husband ~ so it must be true ~ that the Dutch owner, an entrepreneur, has earned his fotune by dubious but interesting means. Involves film noir, rounded ladies, well-endowned French men and some whips.

Also according to Arthur who heard it from Gloria ~ so it must be true ~ the new owners flew in by helicopter the other day to visit the Chateau & said Dutchman.I think the report of a helicopter is probably a bit of an exaggeration!

I think they're called Brad Pitt or something like that & Angelina Something, I think.

Anyway a nice couple just trying to get away from it all & settle into the quiet rhythms of France.

Just like the rest of us really. They'll fit in nicely with all of us and I'm sure Angelina will enjoy the Coffee morning group.

Brad is going to join Bernadette's class for French lessons and the words got around ~ can't understand it but Bernadette's class is already full for September!!!!!!!!!!

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