Barnsley Lass sends greetings from the Limousin....

I hope you enjoy what you see and read.

Let us know what you think about the site.

24 August 2007

Happenings on this day years ago..........

1995: Life magazine photographer Alfred Eisenstaedt died. His photograph of a sailor kissing a nurse in New York's Times Square became one of the best known images of America's joy at Japan's surrender in World War II
1996: Four women began two days of academic orientation at The Citadel; they were the first female cadets admitted to the South Carolina military school since Shannon Faulkner
1997: Pope John Paul the Second offered tough challenges and affectionate encouragement to more than one million faithful attending Mass during closing World Youth Day ceremonies in Paris
1998: The United States and Britain agreed to allow two Libyan suspects wanted in the bombing of Pan Am flight 103 to be tried in a Scottish court sitting in the Netherlands
1998: Actor E.G. Marshall died in Mount Kisco, New York, at age 84
1998: A federal court rejected the Census Bureau's plans to use statistical sampling for the 2000 census, a decision later upheld by the Supreme Court
1999: The Federal Reserve raised borrowing costs for millions of Americans, increasing its target for the federal funds rate by a quarter point to 5.25 percent, and hiking the discount rate a quarter point to 4.75 percent
2001: Air Transat Flight 236 runs out of fuel over the Atlantic Ocean (en route to Lisbon from Toronto) and makes an emergency landing in the Azores
2004: Two airliners in Russia, carrying a total of 89 passengers, explode within minutes of each other after flying out of Domodedovo International Airport, near Moscow, leaving no survivors. The explosions were caused by suicide bombers (reportedly female) from the Russian Republic of Chechnya
2006: The International Astronomical Union (IAU) redefines the term "planet" such that Pluto is no longer considered a planet

20 August 2007

Long Gone

Wherefore art thou Spikey Prince. Hast thou departed thine own blogging site for pastures new????????????????????????????

15 August 2007

14 August 2007

12 August 2007

Cute Kitty Talking In Her Sleep During A Rainstorm

Run To You _ Whitney Houston

Whitney Houston - I Will Always Love You

Bruce Cameron ~ His son is inspired by France

Lovely article by Bruce Cameron...........

When my son was in grade school, his favorite homework assignment was the research paper, because he enjoyed really digging into a subject and making things up about it.
Recently I was searching for some vital documents that I knew I'd carefully filed away under the heading "Important Stuff." Unfortunately, that's where I file everything, including old grocery lists (well, groceries are certainly important, aren't they?), so I was forced to sift through a lot of papers. Somewhere in the pile I came across my son's report on France, titled A Written Research Report on Some of the Things About the Country of France.

His teacher required that all their reports be at least 100 words long.

"France is a country on the Planet Earth," he wrote. "People live there."

I think he felt he was on safe ground with both of these statements, though the second one is ambiguous enough - "there" could actually refer to the Earth, just in case France turned out to be currently unoccupied.

"There are eight other planets in the solar system besides the Earth."

I suppose one could argue that this lends the report perspective. One could also argue that my son had a poster in his room titled "Map of Our Solar System."

"All of them could someday suffer from Global Warming."

My son's teacher, I recall ruefully, was a big fan of Al Gore. My boy had learned one of the most important skills needed for writing reports: sucking up to the reader.

"People often think of French for things like fries, toast and mustard."

At least my son did, at any rate.

"But France is actually famous for a lot of things."

A whole series of dots litter the page around the end of this sentence, as if his pencil malfunctioned and began spraying periods. He was tapping the page, thinking: "OK, France is famous for a lot of things. . . . Like what?"

And then . . .

"Paris is a city in France."

I guess he couldn't think of anything famous. At this point in the report, faintly written in the margins, there's a number: 74. It took me a minute to realize its significance: 74 words up to this point; just 26 more to go.

"A big city."

Make that 23 more words. He's getting desperate, though. I can tell by all the eraser marks rubbed into the paper. One deleted sentence is almost legible; by holding it up to the light, I can make out the information that "Denver has a new airport." He erased it, though, wisely deciding not to go down the logic trail of "Paris is a city. Denver is a city. Therefore, stuff about Denver is also about Paris." Too bad, though; he's a big Bronco fan and could have filled the rest of his word count with sports trivia.

"In Paris there's a big tower, it is an eye full."

Oops. I suddenly remember my son coming up to me one afternoon and, an innocent expression on his face, asking what was the first thing I thought of when I thought of Paris. I naturally said "the Eiffel Tower," not realizing I should spell it for him. No matter, the tower is quite an "eye full," so the teacher probably felt forced to concede the point on a technicality.

Only 12 words to go! He can practically feel the winner's tape on his chest!

"France is a very interesting place and people should go there."

Gasp! Huge error! That's only 11 words; he's a word short of the finish line. My son must have been dumbfounded when he counted them all up; he has scribbled out the number 99 in the margins with a certain amount of vengeance.

Now what? Everything anyone would want to know about France is already in the report. To come up with something else would not only add fluff, but it would require doing actual work, and he's already come dangerously close to that with his fascinating perspective on the Eiffel Tower. Oh, life can be so cruel!

Then, inspiration hits.

"The End."

There. He even came in an entire word over the required 100.

Maybe he got extra credit.

Write to Bruce at

11 August 2007

10 August 2007

Brad Pitt in Coffee Commerical

Sexy coffee or not!

xmas lights

Great Video for xmas

Slide Show Experiment

Angelina something or other

I have it on good authority ~ Well Arthur told Patrick who mentioed it to Diane who didn't believe it but passed it onto me anyway that there was a conversation in the pub opposite the Chateau at Montbrun the other night or was it 2 weeks ago that the owner is thinking of selling up.

Having retored the castle to its former glory he's moving on & the Chateau is for sale.

I'm told by Diane who heard it from Brian, her husband ~ so it must be true ~ that the Dutch owner, an entrepreneur, has earned his fotune by dubious but interesting means. Involves film noir, rounded ladies, well-endowned French men and some whips.

Also according to Arthur who heard it from Gloria ~ so it must be true ~ the new owners flew in by helicopter the other day to visit the Chateau & said Dutchman.I think the report of a helicopter is probably a bit of an exaggeration!

I think they're called Brad Pitt or something like that & Angelina Something, I think.

Anyway a nice couple just trying to get away from it all & settle into the quiet rhythms of France.

Just like the rest of us really. They'll fit in nicely with all of us and I'm sure Angelina will enjoy the Coffee morning group.

Brad is going to join Bernadette's class for French lessons and the words got around ~ can't understand it but Bernadette's class is already full for September!!!!!!!!!!

What's a guy have to do to get a meal around here????

It's that boy again

Babe James goes to Mustard Pot

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